/** @module */
import rbush from 'rbush'
import * as node from './node'
import * as edge from './edge'
import { getRingEdges, getFaceGeometry } from './face'
* Topology structure
* @typedef {Object} Topo
* @property {module:node~Node[]} nodes
* @property {Object} nodesTree
* @property {module:edge~Edge[]} edges
* @property {Object} edgesTree
* @property {module:face~Face[]} faces
* @property {Object} facesTree
* @property {module:face~Face} universe
* @property {function} getNodeByPoint Calls {@link module:node.getNodeByPoint} in the context of this object
* @property {function} addIsoNode Calls {@link module:node.addIsoNode} in the context of this object
* @property {function} removeIsoNode Calls {@link module:node.removeIsoNode} in the context of this object
* @property {function} getEdgeByPoint Calls {@link module:edge.getEdgeByPoint} in the context of this object
* @property {function} getEdgesByLine Calls {@link module:edge.getEdgesByLine} in the context of this object
* @property {function} addIsoEdge Calls {@link module:edge.addIsoEdge} in the context of this object
* @property {function} addEdgeNewFaces Calls {@link module:edge.addEdgeNewFaces} in the context of this object
* @property {function} addEdgeModFace Calls {@link module:edge.addEdgeModFace} in the context of this object
* @property {function} remEdgeNewFace Calls {@link module:edge.remEdgeNewFace} in the context of this object
* @property {function} remEdgeModFace Calls {@link module:edge.remEdgeModFace} in the context of this object
* @property {function} newEdgesSplit Calls {@link module:edge.newEdgesSplit} in the context of this object
* @property {function} modEdgeSplit Calls {@link module:edge.modEdgeSplit} in the context of this object
* @property {function} newEdgeHeal Calls {@link module:edge.newEdgeHeal} in the context of this object
* @property {function} getRingEdges Calls {@link module:face.getRingEdges} in the context of this object
* @property {function} getFaceGeometry Calls {@link module:face.getFaceGeometry} in the context of this object
* @property {function} on Calls {@link module:topo.on} in the context of this object
* @property {function} un Calls {@link module:topo.un} in the context of this object
* @fires module:topo~addface
* @fires module:topo~removeface
* @fires module:topo~addedge
* @fires module:topo~modedge
* @fires module:topo~removeedge
* @fires module:topo~addnode
* @fires module:topo~removenode
* Emitted when a face has been added to the topology.
* @event module:topo~addface
* @type {module:face~Face}
* Emitted when a face has been removed from the topology.
* @event module:topo~removeface
* @type {module:face~Face}
* Emitted when an edge has been added to the topology.
* @event module:topo~addedge
* @type {module:edge~Edge}
* Emitted when an edge has been modified.
* @event module:topo~modedge
* @type {module:edge~Edge}
* Emitted when an edge has been removed from the topology.
* @event module:topo~removeedge
* @type {module:edge~Edge}
* Emitted when a node has been added to the topology.
* @event module:topo~addnode
* @type {module:node~Node}
* Emitted when a node has been removed from the topology.
* @event module:topo~removenode
* @type {module:node~Node}
* Create topology.
* @param {string} name
* @param {number} srid
* @param {number} tolerance
* @return {module:topo~Topo}
export function createTopology (name, srid, tolerance) {
const nodes = []
const nodesTree = rbush(16)
const edges = []
const edgesTree = rbush(16)
const universe = { id: 0 }
const faces = [universe]
const facesTree = rbush(16)
const topo = {
nodesSeq: 1,
edgesSeq: 1,
facesSeq: 1,
getNodeByPoint: (...args) => node.getNodeByPoint(topo, ...args),
addIsoNode: (...args) => node.addIsoNode(topo, ...args),
removeIsoNode: (...args) => node.removeIsoNode(topo, ...args),
getEdgeByPoint: (...args) => edge.getEdgeByPoint(topo, ...args),
getEdgesByLine: (...args) => edge.getEdgesByLine(topo, ...args),
addIsoEdge: (...args) => edge.addIsoEdge(topo, ...args),
addEdgeNewFaces: (...args) => edge.addEdgeNewFaces(topo, ...args),
addEdgeModFace: (...args) => edge.addEdgeModFace(topo, ...args),
remEdgeNewFace: (...args) => edge.remEdgeNewFace(topo, ...args),
remEdgeModFace: (...args) => edge.remEdgeModFace(topo, ...args),
newEdgesSplit: (...args) => edge.newEdgesSplit(topo, ...args),
modEdgeSplit: (...args) => edge.modEdgeSplit(topo, ...args),
newEdgeHeal: (...args) => edge.newEdgeHeal(topo, ...args),
modEdgeHeal: (...args) => edge.modEdgeHeal(topo, ...args),
getRingEdges: (...args) => getRingEdges(topo, ...args),
getFaceGeometry: (...args) => getFaceGeometry(topo, ...args),
observers: {
'addface': [],
'modface': [],
'removeface': [],
'addedge': [],
'modedge': [],
'removeedge': [],
'addnode': [],
'removenode': []
on: (...args) => on(topo, ...args),
un: (...args) => un(topo, ...args)
return topo
* Registers a callback for a named event
* @param {module:topo~Topo} topo Topology instance.
* @param {string} name Event name.
* @param {function} callback Callback function.
export function on (topo, name, callback) {
* Unregisters a callback for a named event
* @param {module:topo~Topo} topo Topology instance.
* @param {string} name Event name.
* @param {function} callback Callback function.
export function un (topo, name, callback) {
const i = topo.observers[name].indexOf(callback)
topo.observers[name].splice(i, 1)
export function trigger (topo, name, e) {
topo.observers[name].forEach(o => o(e))
export function insertFace (topo, face) {
const { faces } = topo
face.id = topo.facesSeq++
export function updateFaceTree (topo, face) {
const { facesTree } = topo
const coordinates = getFaceGeometry(topo, face)
const xs = coordinates[0].map(c => c[0])
const ys = coordinates[0].map(c => c[1])
face.minX = Math.min(...xs)
face.minY = Math.min(...ys)
face.maxX = Math.max(...xs)
face.maxY = Math.max(...ys)
export function deleteFace (topo, face) {
const { faces, facesTree } = topo
// delete faces[faces.indexOf(face)]
faces.splice(faces.indexOf(face), 1)
export function insertEdge (topo, edge) {
const { edges, edgesTree } = topo
const xs = edge.coordinates.map(c => c[0])
const ys = edge.coordinates.map(c => c[1])
edge.id = topo.edgesSeq++
edge.minX = Math.min(...xs)
edge.minY = Math.min(...ys)
edge.maxX = Math.max(...xs)
edge.maxY = Math.max(...ys)
export function deleteEdge (topo, edge) {
const { edges, edgesTree } = topo
// delete edges[edges.indexOf(edge)]
edges.splice(edges.indexOf(edge), 1)
export function insertNode (topo, node) {
const { nodes, nodesTree } = topo
const coordinate = node.coordinate
node.id = topo.nodesSeq++
node.minX = coordinate[0]
node.minY = coordinate[1]
node.maxX = coordinate[0]
node.maxY = coordinate[1]
export function deleteNode (topo, node) {
const { nodes, nodesTree } = topo
// delete nodes[nodes.indexOf(node)]
nodes.splice(nodes.indexOf(node), 1)